Here’s something I’ve learned after years of building websites for clients like The Guggenheim Foundation and Salt N Pepa…

It’s really easy to START building a website.

The hard part is finishing.

You know why so many business owners start a website but never finish?

1. No clear vision for the website
2. No clear vision = poor planning
3. Poor planning = getting easily overwhelmed or distracted
4. Being overwhelmed or distracted = stalling or worse…quitting

I HATE this for everyone who experiences it because it really doesn’t have to be this way.

OK Fenton, what’s your point? How are you going to help??

I created Website Essentials to help overwhelmed and distracted people struggling to get their websites out into the world.

It’s a white glove, “done for you” website service that takes the hassle out of getting your website across the finish line at a price that works for almost any business budget.

Whether you just started filing your LLC paperwork or you’ve been in business for years, everyone deserves a simple yet good-looking and functional website to share with the world, along with a hassle-free experience from start to finish.

We even host the site and keep it running smooth so you can focus on running your business, all at a very affordable monthly subscription; less than your internet bill, or phone bill, oh and definitely your Amazon bill (ask me how I know!)

So if you’ve been putting off starting or finishing your website, visit the link below right now and let’s get you across the finish line.


Check out Website Essentials

I am a fan of Olive Branch Digital! They have an excellent reputation. Fenton cares deeply about his projects. It is easy to refer business when the product and attention to detail is pristine!”

Kathleen Troy

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